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Into Movember..... More than a Run.....

Mental Health

How do you rate your mental health currently / your score out of 10? - Would say currently about 8/10

What is mental health to you ? - Being in control day to day, motivated and able to get your day to day tasks completed. Getting something out of the day and not just getting through the day.

What do you do for your own mental health? - Plan the days and try and have balance. Making sure I have time for myself. If I feel like I'm snapping and or stressed, I try and stop and take a breath. My running is a way to turn the head noise off as well. I try and make sure I check in with my partner Nicole and or close friends and clients. Sometimes it takes a message from someone that is dealing with something bigger than my problems to be able to reflect and switch off. To be grateful for my own values and life.

Does your running help with your mental health? - Yes, my time to think and have my space. To be able to turn the legs over and plan out the day, week. Ideas for the Future, focus on a race and or clients and their training, races. To put on a podcast to just listen and run, sometimes I find it hard to even listen to what's happening on the pod, as I find my head thinking ahead and or if sometimes I see or hear changes my focus. But its just about switching off and staying in my flow and focus.

Are there any triggers that set you off? - I can sense stress coming over me, when I find my head spinning with too many things to do and losing focus and to relax. Over tired, what i start to snap and get angry at silly things. I don't have patience. So have to be mindful that I don't rush things.

How do you manage those triggers and times that you can feel down and or alone? - I have a list, plan the day with setting notes and calendar invites for myself to so task. I have a dairy that maps out my day and weeks to help stay focused and on track. Tired, I'll try and get a sleep in once a week to recharge freshen myself up, even when I can sleep for 10-20mins to reset my body. When i feel overwhelmed I catch myself with the thoughts and question myself, why am I thinking this? Why, I chose to do this, i chose take on this challenge. My choice and have to take the actions to align with the choices I make and not complain about the things I can control.

I balance out the self the talk with positive words and actions. It's not the thoughts that are the problem. It's the action. Take the actions. 90% of our thoughts are negative. It's the way we think. But if the actions are positive , that is what matter. Like motivation, you have to take action and many actions will bring motivation.

Being lonely, yes I feel it sometimes, But i guess I am around a lot of people each day and its my job so not isolated. I think that's part of why I do this for a job. I love helping people and my personality type. I'm a fixer and fixing people is part of it.

Play to your strengths. Some may focus on their weakness. Yes it will help and great a balance, but your always going to be pushing against the grain and working twice as hard to develop the still and will be harder mentally to enjoy it. So focus on your strengths. Improve your strength and bring yourself up even higher. Your motivation will grow you will be happier to work on the things you enjoy and get more out of your strengths. Pleasure in the strengths.

Have you got anyone that you turn to and or talk to when you have these moments? Yes i have Nicole, my sister, a close friends like Brett and Joe. I do hold things in through and process them enterally at times.

Any tips you can pass on to help others with any mental health? - I think I touched on that a bit above. But another tip that I hope helps. Is share yourself, open up a little to others. Sharing a little and you will get other more comfortable to share themselves to you and this will help you get more confident in sharing with other. You will learn from others and hear more stories about others that then may help you and share life experiences. If you help others, they will help you. You arent alone. It is easy to hide. Easy to stop looking after yourseld and not giving yourself time. But it's important you do. You need to be healthier enough to look after the people around you.

Easier said I know. Be the best version of yourselfz.

Can you see a change in the mental health space and the support that is around? - Yes, its more common to talk about it. there are communities like More than a Run, Talk to me Bro, The Junto Hub from Cornerstone a Men's hub. Lots of groups that are creating spaces for those to be able to talk and feel safe and supported.

Is there anything you would change in the space of mental health? - Continue growing the support and the communities. Don't give up on people they don't ignore your calls or messages, Be there and they will in their time. But make them feel that you are there.


Head to to register for [mo]re than a run Newcastle!!

We're looking forward to seeing you there!

in this weeks podcast, we discuss a little in the mental heath space, not more details please listen to the pod. Here is brief mention of what I covered in the talk on mental heaith space.


  • Intro Song - Beggin - Besomorph

  • Welcome to Beve with Benn Episode 35

  • Beer of choice? Black Hops Brewery - California Haze

  • What happened last week and what's up this week


  • Training Talks

  • Weekly training review - Strava - Training Peaks

  • Upcoming Sessions

  • Athlete Interview - Mental Health Talk

  • Upcoming Races - Bouddi Coastal Run

  • Running Experiences (Heaton - Jungle Loop)

  • Socials - 3 Day Bender in the Blue Mountains

  • Athletes Questions - Pacing Runs

  • QF’s with Benn - Adina Wheeler

  • Outro Song - Do it To it - Acraze


  • Elechia Jones


  • Last week's training sessions (Strava)

  • Strava Leaderboard

  • Training Peaks - SNL Group


  • Next week's Sessions

  • Refer Training Peaks

  • Sunday Long Run - Heaton Reps


  • 11/11 Bouddi Coastal Run

  • 18/11 Mt Stromlo

  • 26/11 Central Coast Running Festival

  • 25/11 Alpine Challenge

  • 1/12 Coast 2 Kosci

  • 7/12 Ultra Trail Kosci


  • 17-18/2 Tarawera Ultra Marathon

  • 24/2 Snowy Mountains Ultra

  • 3/3 Runfest Port Macquarie

  • 9/3 Six Foot Track

  • 15/3 Australia Alpine Ascent

  • 22-24/3 SNL Blue Mountains Bender

  • 22-24/3 Buffalo Stampede

  • 23/3 Noosa Ultra Trail

  • 6/4 Jabulani Challenge

  • 7/4 Canberra Marathon

  • 7/4 Mt Solitary Ultra

  • 7/4 Hill 2 Harbour

  • 21/4 Newy Marathon

  • 16-18/5 Ultra Trail Australia


  • Blue Mountains - 22nd March 2024 !!! (8 weeks from event)



  • Sunday Runs - All welcome (Glenrock Loop)

  • Sunday Runs - Heaton Gap Loop


Pacing your runs effectively is crucial for improving your performance, preventing injuries, and achieving your fitness goals. Here are some tips on the best ways to pace your runs:

Set a Goal: Determine your objective for the run, whether it's a leisurely jog, a long-distance training run, a tempo run, or a race. Your goal will influence your pacing strategy. Measuring it for 5k - 10k -21.1k and so on

Sessions - Sticking to your goal pace from the start and not running faster - or at a higher heart rate then the goal or current fitness level

Run to your current fitness level and not previous fitness levels, having that a guide to set the bar and use to measure for progression

Session and variable structures to the session - eg - 1k reps - increase the number of repetitions as you increase fitness, shortening the rest periods between reps and or varing the paces during reps, eg even rep numbers under goal pace and others at or over goal pace.

A way to train with in yourself, At the end of the session, still feeling like you can do another rep or 2 and not been completely blown and on your hands and knees. This will also help with consistency in yout running and not have to spend a lot of time recovery between your runs.

Know Your Pace: To set a proper pace, it's essential to be aware of your current fitness level and running capabilities. You can estimate your pace based on previous runs, but it's more accurate to use a GPS watch or smartphone app to track your speed and distance.

Warm-Up: Start with a gentle warm-up to prepare your muscles and joints. This can include dynamic stretches, mobility exercises, and a slow jog for about 5-10 minutes.

Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to how you feel during the run. If you feel fatigued, slow down. If you're comfortable and have more energy to spare, you can increase your pace.

Use the Talk Test: A simple way to gauge your pace is by the "talk test." If you can hold a conversation while running, you're likely at an appropriate, sustainable pace. If you can't speak comfortably, you may be running too fast.

Follow the 80/20 Rule: In your training, aim to spend about 80% of your time running at an easy, conversational pace (aerobic zone) and 20% of your time at a faster, harder effort (anaerobic zone). This balance helps build endurance and speed.

Negative Splits: Consider starting your runs slightly slower than your target pace and gradually increasing your speed throughout the run. This is known as negative splitting and can help you finish strong.

Use a Heart Rate Monitor: Monitoring your heart rate can provide valuable insights into your effort level. Aim for a heart rate that corresponds to your desired training zone.

Run by Perceived Effort: Pay attention to how your body feels rather than fixating on specific paces. On some days, factors like weather, fatigue, or terrain may affect your pace, so running by perceived effort can be more reliable.

Practice Consistency: Consistency in your pacing is essential for improving performance. Over time, your body will adapt to your training, and you'll become more efficient at maintaining a steady pace.

Recovery Runs: On recovery days, run at a very easy pace to aid in recovery and reduce the risk of overtraining.

Hills and Terrain: Adjust your pace on hilly terrain. Slow down on uphills and use downhills to recover or pick up the pace.

Regularly Assess Your Progress: Periodically assess your running performance and adjust your pacing strategy accordingly. As your fitness improves, you may need to run faster or longer to continue making progress.

Remember that pacing is a skill that takes time to develop. Be patient and give yourself the opportunity to learn what works best for you through trial and error. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced runner, effective pacing is key to a successful and enjoyable running experience.

QF’s WITH BENN (quick facts) Adina Wheeler

Favourite Race Experience? Probably have to be my very first race which was the Blackmores 10km. Mainly because it was my first big event but also running over the iconic Sydney Harbour bridge. Not often you can do that.

Favourite race distance? Half Marathons, its just a bit further than 10km but not as far as a Marathon.

Race you want to do? Tarawera Ultra in NZ

Best Learning and Running / Training Tip? I have learned the 42.2km I ran in 6hrs is the same 42.2km that the sub 3hr ran.

Favourite Running Shoes? A recent purchase, Nike Zegama Trail

Favourite Session of the Week? Parkrun would be my favourite because its a great social catch up and usually follows with a B n E roll

Holiday Destination you want to travel to? I would love to go to NZ and race over there.

Fun Fact / Something about you? I have been sober as long as I have been running. I begun this running journey 21 May 22 and gave up the booze at the same time. And loving it.

OUTRO SONG - Do it To it - Acraze

Thanks for joining me @ Beve with Benn. Stay tuned for updates. Post your questions and updates on racing

Stroke No Limits Coaching - stick to the mantra of my 3 D’s #desire #determination #discipline



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